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Account Restrictions

Accounts have few resource limitations placed on them. Because of that, one person can easily take so much that other people are unable to work effectively; you are expected to use cpu cycles and disk space prudently. Graduate students are asked to keep their home directories below 250 Meg, undergraduates under 100 Meg, and guests/alumni with an RCS account under 25 Meg. If resources are abused your account may have restrictions placed on it or be suspended.

If you make unusual demands on the department's systems the labstaff will ask you to explain or justify them and will attempt to make accommodations to meet your needs, this represents the warning that is described above. Failure to reply to this will result in account suspension. Keeping the system as a whole available to everyone will usually take precedence over adjusting to a single person's needs. This is true only of the general CSLab facilities; research facilities, even those administered by the CSLab, defer to the authority of the facility owner for determining detrimental behavior within that facility.

For the purposes of this document CS Lab facilities include departmental servers, CS Lab and campus network backbones (not individual research facility networks), and general-purpose/public access machines.

-- StevenLindsey - 05 Apr 2012
Topic revision: r3 - 31 Aug 2012, lindss2@LAB.CS.RPI.EDU
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